Cruise Speed

156 kts

@ 75% power

Fuel Consumption

9-10 gal/hr

@ 75% power


918 nm

with reserves

Useful Load

1,000 lbs

standard conditions


The Mooney M20F features many 201 speed mods, including a single piece belly, electric gear and flaps, non-slaved HSI, and a Hertzel Schimitar Prop. Recent improvements include a new audio panel with music and pilot/passenger isolation capability, an ADS-B out capable transponder, and an electronic starter system.

For economical operations, the aircraft can be operated at 65% power, achieving 110kts while burning only 6.5 gallons per hour - comparable to a C172's operating costs.




Cruise Speed (5,000ft)
156kts at 75% power (2400rpm/24"MP)
Cruise Speed (10,000ft)
158kts at 75% power (2600rpm/21"MP)
Fuel Capacity
54.8 gallons (5 hours endurance)
675lbs (full fuel)
757lbs (¾ tanks)


  • Garmin 430 upgraded to WAAS - IFR certified (Manual)
  • Mark 12D NAV/COM (Manual)
  • Century Non-Slaved HSI (Manual)
  • Stratus II ADS B-GPS (Manual)

Additional Equipment

  • S-Tec 30 2-Axis AP (Manual)
  • STEC GPS Steering (Manual)
  • PMA 8000B Audio Panel (Manual)
  • ADS-B Out Capable Transponder (Manual)
  • iPad with Foreflight (Manual)
  • CGR-30P Engine Monitor (Manual)
  • WX900 Storm Scope (Manual)
