N3275F - Mooney M20F
$56.50/hr dry - Tach time (~0.9x Hobbs)
Cruise Speed
156 kts
@ 75% powerFuel Consumption
9-10 gal/hr
@ 75% powerRange
918 nm
with reservesUseful Load
1,000 lbs
standard conditionsOverview
The Mooney M20F features many 201 speed mods, including a single piece belly, electric gear and flaps, non-slaved HSI, and a Hertzel Schimitar Prop. Recent improvements include a new audio panel with music and pilot/passenger isolation capability, an ADS-B out capable transponder, and an electronic starter system.
For economical operations, the aircraft can be operated at 65% power, achieving 110kts while burning only 6.5 gallons per hour - comparable to a C172's operating costs.
- Cruise Speed (5,000ft)
- 156kts at 75% power (2400rpm/24"MP)
- Cruise Speed (10,000ft)
- 158kts at 75% power (2600rpm/21"MP)
- Fuel Capacity
- 54.8 gallons (5 hours endurance)
- Payload
- 675lbs (full fuel)
757lbs (¾ tanks)